中國疫情既已穩定,武漢解封,市民復工復產,生活漸趨正常。反觀美國,疫情持續吃緊,患病及死亡人數飊升,高踞不下,醫療物資極度短缺,美國文更遂轉而向加州本地提供援助。再次感謝大家的努力,在一天之内購得一萬個口罩,董事羅偉森先生馬上將之捐贈南加州角聲醫療中心及角聲社區服務中心,讓他們幫忙派送護老院及民眾,警局、消防局等,剛巧當天(四月10日)乃基督受難日及洛杉磯縣口罩令執行日,此舉可謂意義重大。除了角聲協助發送口罩到社區前線工作人員及弱勢群體,美國文更前董事會主席 Esther Woo 也把籌集所得的口罩捐贈南加數間醫院及護老院及穆斯林難民。北加州方面,董事胡偉國先生把籌集所得的口罩捐送護老院、教會及社區中心。
聖經馬太福音 25 章40節:我實在告訴你們,這些事你們既作在我這弟兄中一個最小的身上,就是作在我身上了。
美國文更感謝各支持者的恒切禱告,積極參與,金錢及相關物資捐助,以致我們的事工項目得以順利展開;感謝各機構人士的配搭:三藩市灣區 AM 1450今日華人電台,匯點教會,Serving Others Worldwide, 天鄰基金會,愛鄰社,基督之家第六家,角聲醫療中心,角聲社區服務中心,中國愛德基金會,四川瀘州福音基督教會,四川瀘州福音醫院,四川西南民族大學,廣西武宣醫院,香港謝潔貞牧師,吳桂行弟兄、柳振平牧師及羅霞傳道, 加拿大及香港文化更新研究中心等 (如有遺漏,謹此致歉。),以致我們的工作得以落實。
A Cup of Cold Water
Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in China, we deeply appreciate our supporters for their continuous prayers, offerings in money and supplies and quick action.
Directors of CRRS USA and volunteers earnestly sourced medical supplies such as facemasks, goggles, gloves, protective suits and other equipment and supplies. In the peak of the outbreak we sent the medical supplies in our hands by various lots to Gospel Hospital established by Luzhou Christian Church in Sichuan to relieve their needs. The pastor and doctor further gave out the remaining facemasks to the on street social workers. We also delivered the supplies to Southwest University of Nationalities. The students of minority tribes that we have been supporting were touched by our love and care.
When we received a request from Dr. Huang of Wuxuan Hospital in Guangxi that the area was in great need of medical goggles and facemasks, Dr. James Yu, DDS chairperson of CRRS USA immediately sent his own supplies to them. Dr. Huang, a pediatrician, was one of the students CRRS sponsored. The love of CRRS team she experienced brought her to offer her life to love of others, especially to the sick children. She was introduced to a church by her Christian friend in China and became a Christian. She is now a member of Novel Coronavirus emergency professional team.
At the same time, President Dr. Thomas Leung went to Hong Kong with 1,000 face masks that donors donated to CRRS USA. Dr. James Yu DDS also arranged to deliver medical equipment and supplies to Hong Kong.
In Hong Kong, Dr. Leung participated in on street evangelical ministries, showing the love and care of Christ to the drug addicts and marginal youth. Dr. Leung, together with Brother Gui Hang Wu, Pastor Chen Ping Liu and Minister Ha Law etc., delivered facemasks donated by CRRS USA, with lunch boxes and fruits to hundreds of homeless people. A lot of homeless people believed in Christ on the spot. Then evangelical groups met 10,000 people in the Good Friday on street evangelical meeting and 164 people believed in Christ in the meeting. A week later, the evangelical groups went to 12 districts to preach gospel, 251 people believed in Christ. Some of the facemasks gave out in these meetings were provided by CRRS USA and CRRS HK. This was the time of peak of the coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong. Most of the on street social services were suspended but just a few Christian organizations. The poor people were deeply touched by this unconditional love.
Pastor Kit Ching Tse in Hong Kong also represented CRRS USA to deliver the facemasks to the people at grass root level, spreading gospel to them.
Due to the severity of the situation, a lot of churches and organization in China were experiencing financial difficulties. So we had arranged donation to a deaf training center in Hebei and a church in Hubei. We also arranged delivery of facemasks to a church in Shenzhen domestically. At this point of time, CRRS USA is working with churches in China and Gospel Church to seek the aftermath spiritual care.
Israel was in a tough situation and asking for help from churches in Hong Kong. CRRS sourced 2,200 face masks from Hong Kong to send to churches in Israel.
After the situation in China had relieved and that Wuhan had reopened, people resumed their work and daily activities. However, situation in United States here became more and more tough. Cases and deaths were spiking. Medical supplies were extremely tight. So CRRS USA changed the direction to support local communities. Once again, we appreciate the efforts of the supporters. We were able to source 10,000 facemasks in one day. Director Mr. Vincent Law immediately coordinated with Herald Christian Health Center and Chinese Christian Herald Crusades to help deliver the facemasks to local communities and police as well as fire stations. Coincidentally, that day was Good Friday (April 10), and facemasks order was in effect in Los Angeles County. What a meaningful act on this date in a timely manner!
Former Chairperson Ms Esther Woo helped sourcing facemasks and delivered to several hospitals, churches, local communities, senior centers and Muslim refugees.
As for Northern California, Director Mr. Gary Wu coordinated with Crosspoint Church, Church of Christ No.6, Silicon Valley Lighthouse Church, Serving Others Worldwide, His Foundation and local communities to deliver the face masks to the people who are in need.
As of now, we had received $30,000+ from donation for the above use. Now that the situation is somewhat relieved, we are planning to help the victims and those who have been affected in the pandemic in different ways.
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25 : 40
“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” – Matthew 10 : 42
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters for your solemn prayers, active participation and monetary as well as supplies donation, allowing us to accomplish the project smoothly.
We also thank participating churches and organizations in partnering with us for this meaningful ministry: AM 1450 Chinese Today Radio Station, Crosspoint Church, Silicon Valley Lighthouse Church, Church of Christ No.6, First Chinese Baptist Church, Serving Others Worldwide, His Foundation, Herald Christian Health Center, Chinese Christian Herald Crusades, Adventist Hospital, Glendale Memorial Hospital, City of Hope Hospital, Huntington Hospital, Family Welcome Center, Illumination Foundation, Town & Country Senior Manor, San Canyon Urgent Care Center, Hoag Healthline, First Chinese Baptist Church, The Amity Foundation, Sichuan Luzhou Gospel Hospital, Sichuan Luzhou Christian Church, Sichuan Southwest University of Nationalities, Pastor Kit Ching Tse, Pastor Chen Ping Liu , Minister Ha Law, Brother Gui Hang Ng, and Culture Regeneration Research Society Canada and Hong Kong. We sincerely apologize for any missing ones here.
We pray that Covid-19 pandemic will be under control, the sick will be healed and the societies will be back to normal soon!