美國文更在冠狀病毒時, 迅速捐贈醫療物品到中國
天地有情, 文更有愛
二零一九年十一月十九日,美國文更訪宣隊, 剛到四川省 ,探訪瀘州市江陽區福音醫院及瀘州教會後,返回加州。計劃二零二零年捐助及為五月探訪宣傳。不久,新聞界報導,這個新型冠狀病毒 (2019-nCoV) 已肆虐中國各地。許多海外華僑及慈善機構,或外地醫療外援力量,都奔赴武漢及附近城市,應對新肺炎疫情。醫護網站傳出的信息顯示,不少醫院,缺乏醫務人員及抗疫物資。一月二十七日,就收到由錢萬永院長,發出抗疫物資捐贈的公告。同時他也在為未來院就診的患者,安排免費提供口罩的需要。他要求捐增醫外科口罩,N95 口罩,隔離衣,防護衣及醫用手套等。
美國文更就即於一月二十九日,寄出第一批 120 份 N95口罩及 1200 份醫護口罩及 500 對手套等,急赴救援, 以 DHL 空郵,六日後到達福音醫院。第二批, 有 2000份醫院級口罩,50 瓶消毒液及其他醫護用品,也在二月九曰,已全部平安收到。第三批有 4000 對醫用手套及 200 份 N95 口罩等。曰後又繼續寄出大量的隔離衣及防護衣,及其他的防疫品,
請以 QR 密碼或直接到
,用 Paypal 支付。或以支票, 填上 CRRS USA ,郵寄 至 P.O. Box 7717, Alhambra, Calif. 91802-7717, USA。
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is now widespread in many regions of China. Millions of Chinese people are potentially exposed to this dangerous epidemic. As oversea Chinese Christians, we want to share their burden. Culture Regeneration Research Society USA (CRRS USA) was called by God, twenty-five years ago, to serve China as an ambassador from Heaven.
We have witnessed to the Academic culture and had conversations with more than 1,000 scholars to discuss the relationship between Chinese Culture and Christian Belief. We have also sponsored more than 20,000 deprived students in the rural villages, bringing God’s unconditional love and goodness to China.
We want to appeal to churches and all Christians to witness God’s love during this viral crisis. With the support from the Chinese Embassy in the West Coast, CRRS USA had evaluated thoroughly the current situation of many churches, gospel hospitals, and Christian community organizations in China.
With the connection from Amity Foundation, CRRS USA co-workers continue to collect funds to purchase and send emergency medical supplies (such as procedure face masks, isolation gowns etc.) to Chinese churches, hospitals and other community service centers.
It is also our abundant blessing that one of our sponsored students, Dr. Wang ML serves now as a member of the Guangxi Epidemic Prevention Team.
May all churches oversea express their unconditional love and genuine caring to our friends in need. Contribution receipts will be sent to donors who give more than twenty dollars.