中國訪問之旅 2018
中國訪問之旅 2018
美國文更資助位于四川成都的西南民族大學學生已三年,每年我們都到四川成都探望受助學生,我們資助的學生以少數民族為主,如彛族,藏族,羌族等,這些學生大多是從偏遠地區來唸書,本身生活條件艱苦,來到城市更需要適應不同的環境,加上讀書的壓力,各樣的重担迫得他們透不過氣來。我們給他們的不單單是金錢上的支持,更是無條件的關懐。他們接受了這份愛的禮物,也會把這份禮物帶回家鄉 — 無條件的愛以致生命的蜕變,就這樣一個一個的傳承下去了。
2018 年我們定于3月29日至4月5日走訪四川成都探訪受助學生,参加座談會開幕禮,參觀校舍,深入了解他們的生活,學習情况和需要。
跟着,文化更新研究中心創辦人及院長梁燕城博士將會加入與我們一起訪問成都附近的瀘州基督教會。瀘州教會是創辦于 1913 年的百年教會,今天該教會除了福音事工,還致力於社會服務:開辦了两家福音醫院,福音幼兒院及福音養護院,以社會服務實踐基督的愛,得到社會和政府的高度認可。
CRRS USA has been sponsoring students of South West University of Nationalities in Chengdu, Sichuan since 3 years ago. Every year we would visit the students who received our scholarship are mainly minority tribes from remote villages. Originally from under-privileged families, these students need to adapt to a different social environment in addition to stress from study. All these become heavy burdens to them. We, not only support them with money, but also support them with unconditional care. When they receive this gift of love, they will bring it back to their homeland: unconditional love and life transforming will thus spread out and multiply.
We decide to visit Chengdu, Sichuan, China from March 29 to April 5, visiting the students who are receiving our scholarship, attend opening ceremony of a forum, visiting their school buildings, to understand more about their daily life and study as well as their needs.
After that, Dr. In-sing Leung, our Founding President, will join us visit Luzhou Christian Church, near Chengdu. This is a hundred year old church founded in 1913. Today, the Church is striving their efforts in traditional church ministries as well as social services. They had established 2 Gospel hospitals, a Gospel kindergarten and a Gospel convalescent home: to practice Christ love with social services that are highly recognized by the community and the government.
If time allows, we will arrange to visit points of interests nearby.
If you are interested in joining this one-week trip, please contact us at 415-696-6728.
Details of the trip will be updated.